Download Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution v11.0.4.21 - Software Web Design
Web design today has attracted much attention among computer users. To learn this requires spending a lot of time is spent on specialized courses.
WebSite X5 Evolution name of the software is that it can provide puts you in the shortest time by using the Wizard program on the 5 stages a complete website of your design. It has 43 different templates to build a website is. Incomedia is a software product company.

About 5 Steps To Build A Website In this program you can see a short explanation:
- First General Settings:
These settings such as primary structure, the website, you specify your goals.
- Secondly Map Creation:
In this section, you must be a directory path and file that you want to put on the website you specify.
- The third phase Page Creation:
This part of the main stage at this point because you try to build your home page and other pages on your website. Building form, album photos , insert images, etc. are all in this area.
- Stage IV Advanced Settings:
In this section, you can build a menu and insert keys, photo background, put music on the site and work.
- The fifth stage Site Export:
This part of the preparation for storing web pages and put on your personal space on the internet is.
Before storing your own website you can browse through all the steps and edit it if necessary.

A key feature of the software Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution:
- With 43 different templates to build a website
- Ability to build the home page and other pages on the Web
- The Mac build menu and insert the key and background images
- Ability to put music on the site
- Ability to put the search engine on the web
- Storage Web
- And the ...