Download qBittorrent v3.1.12 - powerful software for downloading from torrent network
qBittorrent is a software and new style to use and share information in a network is massive BitTorrent has many fans around the world for a limited period, this program has been written based on libtorrent of Mac features and new opportunities to market Torrent network was introduced and discussed, especially in information security is improved, the unique features of this small application can exchange data encryption support, the ability to search Torrent networks, and prioritizing the directly in the program download noted.

Key features of software qBittorrent:
download multiple files simultaneously and prioritize according to each user's desire.
- Ability to search the network BitTorrent directly within the application.
- Support for viewing and downloading Feeds and RSS.
- Full support for DHT and PeX and LSD.
- The perfect tool for creating torrent files.
- Ability to program the remote control interface by the Internet .
- Supports more than 25 languages ​​including sweet Persian language.
- Lightweight and extremely low utilization of system resources.
- Compatible with the latest versions of Windows .

The distinctive feature of this program is similar to other programs?
- Written on the basis of the powerful House libtorrent:
libtorrent one of the strongest and subscribers on a Client libraries or tools that can be downloaded from torrent network is designed, it is written on the base, while the core is completely different and uTorrent for example, software is that The software is a difference, much faster and more efficient core libtorrent acts of uTorrent for Mac provide more resources to the users.

- Full support for data encryption technology or Encryption:
This software allows you to get all the information you share encrypt Torrent network and information security and to protect your privacy.
The benefit of this is that other companies can track your Internet provider or restrict your access to the internet, this exchange of information is lost during the theft of information and information exchange in the hospital safe being carried out.

In general, this software can be a good option for downloading the BitTorrent network, it is recommended if you are dealing with large Torrent network, and do not miss this one a try.