Download Pillars of Eternity - Games eternal pillars
Play Pillars of Eternity is one of those games that you can totally immerse yourself in a magical world, and it can be said that the style of play and your beautiful stories of magic to it to the end and then re-play you! The success of the game early publication represents a unique game that will have to wait to hear about the release of the next version be. Like playing games off the decisions you take and the way in which the multi-way of choosing, the fate of the will you. 

Land and mystery game stimulates your curiosity. Amazing adventures raises your heart rate and the excitement of discovering the secrets and treasures you can take. Treasures and mysteries of black holes full of horrible creatures and deadly land and have a good fit, an adventure waiting to happen. To experience a new adventure with his team's heart goes out to sea and into the most dangerous MAC that the land is unknown. One of the most salient points of the game is the ability to customize the character controlled by the player. Players can choose from six races, five and eleven categories to create their favorite characters. And thus can play many different characters in the play.

- Selectable races: humans, Mava (like the character in the movie Avatar), a dwarf, a (long ears), capable of Godly character and Aralan are called Godlike. Of course each race, the subset that are even wider than this is your choice. 
- The ability to choose from: hiding, the athlete, the knowledge, the ability to perform mechanical work and the ability to survive in extreme conditions

- A social category to choose from: uncivilized, composer, disability, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Priest, constable, nimble, and Wizard