Download Araxis Merge v2014.4581 MacOSX - Software compare and merge files for Mac

Araxis Merge is a software for professional programmers who can code and use it to compare files and merge them with the. Coding Using this software is very easy and will be a great tool for software engineers and web development Dehang. This software is also very useful tool for quality control managers, is. Because they can compare different source code branches and products to check the files expected to be amended. It includes software for Mac, the creation of an account of the changes in a html or xml file format is also included. This software is an advanced utility for the comparison and synchronization of files and folders to be merged.

Key Features of Araxis Merge:
- A professional tool for comparing programming code and files
- Merging and folder synchronization
- Ease of programming using the software
- Very useful for software engineers and web development Dehang
- Very useful for release and quality control managers
- The Mac , it creates a log of changes to a file format html or xml
- And ...