Download OriginPro 2015 SR2 version b9.2.272 - professional custom software, statistical charts
OriginPro powerful package with the Mac full opportunities for scientific data analysis. Origin Pro is a tool that processing mathematical and statistical functions and plot graphs of these functions are also well developed tools in a software or specialized mathematical software and visualization of data, performs. Microlab Origin can be recognized as MathCAD and Mathematica software package to compete.The software has been considered in many research laboratories. The Origin Pro integration with data collection systems such as LabView, DasyLab, LabWindows done and it can be a complete replacement for EXCEL functions and capabilities.

Origin software that is practical and easy to use Mac opportunities for analyzing data and drawing and publication-quality graphs are created for Scientists and Engineers application is a. Origin of unique features such as peak-analysis capabilities curve-fitting, more than 60 types of charts and customizable templates and analysis within a unified environment that provides for you. OriginPro all the features of Origin plus additional features such as several non-parametric test, repeated measures ANOVA, peak fitting, fitting of 3D, image processing and signal processing, it offers you.

A key feature of the software OriginPro:
- The ratio of the length, width, height or matrix data for a chart or worksheet
- Determine the peak (peak) data on multiple levels
- Proportional to the peak (peak) and
- Ability to enter the formula, text and explanation
- Batch processing with summary reports analyzed using TemplatesTM
- Courier batch analysis of multiple datasets using a theme
- Quick Batch fit multiple data sets with themes
- Favorites folder in the Project Explorer 
- Slide-Show Nmvadrha in each folder. 
- To share files between multiple computers using user files folder
- Enhanced File Transfer Dialog To update Members
- Support the theme for worksheets and Matrix Sheets
- Support the theme for the Save Settings dialog
- Reset the parameter calculation results or data changed
- Analysis Report Sheets TemplatesTM by custom
- Consolidated reports using Collapsible tables
- Sharing files and folders using a
- Autosave projects for temporary files
- Support themes for graphs
- Filter import wizard to duplicate the same data input
- Batch Printing Worksheets, Charts and Layout Windows selected
- And ...